

Programa de Verano para Estudiantes Talentosos en Medicina, Ciencias y Escuela Superior

El Programa de Verano nutre la experiencia estudiantil de los participantes a través de actividades que fortalecen su desarrollo académico, personal y profesional. Los participantes se benefician de rotaciones académicas, talleres y seminarios educativos, trabajo de investigación y trabajo voluntario.

Los objetivos del Programa son los siguientes:

  • 1. Brindar una experiencia real y de crecimiento profesional en el campo de la salud a jóvenes de distintas regiones de Puerto Rico y en diferentes países durante el verano.
  • 2. Nutrir la experiencia de vida estudiantil de los participantes a través de actividades que ayuden a su vez a su desarrollo como ciudadanos ejemplares y como profesionales destacados y les inspire a continuar una carrera aliada a la salud.
  • 3. Promover que los participantes se beneficien de experiencias, exponiéndolos al mundo de las carreras aliadas a la salud.

¡Confiamos puedas completar el proceso de solicitud y disfrutar del programa!

Programa de Carreras Aliadas a la Salud

Más y mejores profesionales de la salud, ¡qué trabajen con el corazón!

Con el propósito de promover que estudiantes de escuela superior en comunidades de escasos recursos continúen estudios universitarios en el campo de la salud, la Fundación impacta varias escuelas públicas superiores de Puerto Rico. En este Programa se les da la oportunidad a los estudiantes de tener una experiencia cercana a las carreras de la salud. Además de orientaciones y charlas.


Criteria used to sponsor research. The criteria used by Fundación Dr. García Rinaldi to sponsor research are:

  • 1‐ The Fundación Dr. Raúl García Rinaldi sponsors research according to the available funding. When funding is available, a call or convocation to sponsor research is made.
  • 2‐ A Committee within the Board of Directors will establish both the format of the applications and the research proposals. The research must comply, in its totality, with the rules established in the proposal. The proposal must have been received by the limit time established. The proposal must be accompanied by an intention letter.
  • 3‐ The research must comply with the experimental outline.
  • 4‐ Sufficiency of institutional resources and personnel in the investigation.
  • 5‐ Evaluation of the human and ethical considerations of the effects of the study.
  • 6‐ Those who apply for the sponsorship must possess a doctoral degree in medicine or in health sciences.
  • 7‐ The principal investigator of a grant is the individual whose research is to be supported. The principal investigator will be on the staff at the institution where the research is performed and will assume direct responsibility for conducting the research project. All applications are considered new applications. In the case that a previously approved application has been made, progress reports and for expenditures reports must be received prior to applying for a new application.
  • 8‐ The research must be original.
  • 9‐ The research must be started and finished during the time established by the Committee.
  • 10‐ The research must qualify under the exemption code 501 (c) 3.
  • 11‐ The research must contribute to the necessities of the community.
  • 12‐ The Committee will look at the commitment, performance and qualifications of the researcher as criteria for consideration.
  • 13‐ The research must not be geared towards clinically testing drugs for commercial pharmaceutical companies. The research must not be on drug testing to comply with the Food and Drug Administration before drugs are marketed.
  • 14‐ The main researcher must demonstrate, in his previous work, a solid compromise with society’s needs.
  • 15‐ The main researcher must be willing to do volunteer work in the field of cardiovascular health.